Foundation for the Application and Teaching of Science (FUNDAEC)

Support the education of girls and women with TwoWings
In 2015, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda, setting 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for socially, economically, and ecologically sustainable development. Our programs directly support 10 of the SDGs:
“Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.”
“The world of humanity has two wings—one is women and the other men. Not until both wings are equally developed can the bird fly. Should one wing remain weak, flight is impossible.”
“The world of humanity has two wings-one is women and the other men. Not until both wings are equally developed can the bird fly. Should one wing remain weak, flight is impossible.”
TwoWings is a non-profit organization registered since 1996 in Linz, Austria. TwoWings supports small, sustainable education programs that have been established locally. The focus is on the promotion and development of educational opportunities for youth and children, girls and boys. The goal is to enable people to recognize individual strengths and to contribute to the well-being of the whole community. In this way, a better, united, peaceful world can emerge.
ABOUT TWOWINGSThe independent TwoWings Network supports initiatives that empower communities to enhance their overall well-being and quality of life. TwoWings is committed to sustainably enhancing living conditions and empowering communities to achieve self-reliance.
TWOWINGS PROGRAMS“TwoWings is a wonderful initiative!”
Prof. Mohammad YunusTwoWings Award 2008 & Nobel Peace Prize Winner
“The TwoWings Award inspires my work in Africa.”
Jane GoodallTwoWings Award 2005 & Peace Ambassador
“Everything you do in life must be done from the heart.”
Waris DirieTwoWings Award 2003 & Human Rights Activist
“… TwoWings' decades of experience are the foundation for successful development cooperation. I wish that equality between men and women will be a matter of course worldwide.”
Manuela DornExecutive Director Vion-vision one invest, TwoWings Ambassador & Advisory Board member
“Many cynics say development cooperation is like a drop in the ocean. For me, development work is always a drop in the ocean.”
Sir Peter Ustinov“Women have always been important members of the family and society. Women give birth, women organize, and women are strong regents. In the 3rd millennium, we cannot and must not witness that women are suppressed, enslaved, and abused! For this reason, women everywhere on this planet should be supported and enlightened through appropriate education.”
WaterlooInsights and reports on our programs throughout the years
Thanks to many volunteers and competent supporters who contribute to the betterment of the world through their time, skills and financial resources during this period, thousands of people were able to receive education. “Power is not a finite entity which is to be seized and jealously guarded; it constitutes a limitless capacity to transform that resides in the human race as a body.”
Thanks to many volunteers and competent supporters who contribute to the betterment of the world through their time, skills and financial resources during this period, thousands of people were able to receive education. “Power is not a finite entity which is to be seized and jealously guarded; it constitutes a limitless capacity to transform that resides in the human race as a body.”
Thanks to many volunteers and competent supporters who contribute to the betterment of the world through their time, skills and financial resources during this period, thousands of people were able to receive education. “Power is not a finite entity which is to be seized and jealously guarded; it constitutes a limitless capacity to transform that resides in the human race as a body.”
Thanks to many volunteers and competent supporters who contribute to the betterment of the world through their time, skills and financial resources during this period, thousands of people were able to receive education. “Power is not a finite entity which is to be seized and jealously guarded; it constitutes a limitless capacity to transform that resides in the human race as a body.”
“Education is indisputably the most effective way to shape the values, attitudes, behaviors and skills which will make it possible to function effectively in an integrated world society.”
Work should be seen as a way to develop one's character and craft, and to contribute to the improvement of our communities, countries, and global society.
In the posture of learning, we are accompanying one another on the path of service to humanity.
It is an international tournament series to support the TwoWings development programs for girls and women education. By participating in each tournament, golfers contribute to improving the living conditions of many people.
TwoWings organizes an annual final tournament in which the winners of the respective “Swing with your Heart” tournament series play for the main prizes. The tournament takes place over a weekend and is rounded off with a gala dinner and an award ceremony.
At the 2022 final tournament, our finalists will have the opportunity to win great prizes. There is gold to be won with a total value of 4000 €, which will be provided by Partner Bank AG Linz. In addition, hotel vouchers from Green Habitat will be awarded among the winners of the tournament. With these vouchers, the participants can enjoy a stay of several days in one of the numerous partner hotels of Green Habitat.
Mrs. Ute Egermayr, one of the TwoWings ambassadors, is telling us about TwoWings and Golf Cup Series in this video.
The video was produced by the supports of Vion Company, one of the business partners of TwoWings.
Voluntary Work prevents the cost-increasing bureaucracy in different fields of activities. Competent co-workers and volunteers are improving efficiency and enable effective handling of donations.
Museum director Prof.Dr.Bernd Lötsch
British ambassador John McGregor
Dr. Sarvenaz Ettehadieh
Dr. Jane Goodall
President of TwoWings Network Dr. Gerhard Schweter
Austrian dialect singer Hubert von Goisern.
“The TwoWings Award inspires my work in Africa.”
Dr. Jane Goodall is one of the world's leading ethologists and UN Messenger of Peace. She received TwoWings award in 2005 following her inimitable services and hard work in environmental and community programs for young people in Tanzania. TwoWings presented the TwoWings award to personalities who had been involved unremittingly in development cooperation to draw public attention to the commitment and projects of the award winners. Dr. Jane Goodall’s motivation for environmental and humanitarian protection has created a more peaceful world.
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